Saturday, January 15, 2022

Ending the Week

Thursday night I kind of lost dome of the sore throat. It was at work that I started coughing so hard the room started spinning. Luckily, it was a slow night.

That counterbalanced the good news of the possibility of a new job.

Friday morning I got to my lung testing at Ball Memorial Hospital before my scheduled time. Breath hard into a tube, that was the test. Much more sophisticated than the test given by Dr. Patel at Fort Dix. I left tired with an aching chest. This was my first exam for SSI benefits.

I missed the connection for the to the FSSA office. I thought about catching a later bus after I fid the grocery  shopping. Thing is that after riding the bus to Payless, shopping, riding another bus back downtown, and another back to the room, I was a little tired. Eating and the room's warmth may have pushed me over to sleepy. I know I was asleep when the cleaning guy knocked on the door. Not enough time to get out to FSSA about my food stamps.

I decided to stay warm snd ride the bus to work. Thing was I missed the bus that would actually yo work. I was looking at a map on this phone. Yes, I was late.

We were busier than on Thursday but we were done on time. I splurged on a cheeseburger and fries. I took a taxi home. It was on time.

There was one problem. The kid who is to work with me said he felt a cold coming on. If he is not there, I will walk out. Not doing another Saturday by myself. My hands are mostly numb anyway. My left elbow has ached for weeks and cannot move in certain directions and pain is constant in moving the other directions. First time I have ever come close to this kind of  problem.

I read some news. Tried hunting down a few people I knew decades ago. No call from TJ's sister, but no surprise there. I suspect they know of crimes, that I am amoral leper.

I wrote K and KH about this idea I had of my PO not approving the new laptop. They both replied with a similar message: think positive. I sent them this Lou Reed song. I am going to hell for this one.

I breakfasted on oatmeal and  yogurt. Started cleaning out my email and then writing this. I need to close, move onto other things. Probably more Ben-Gay on my left elbow my left elbow.


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