Monday, December 13, 2021

Apology to A - a Question

 K tells me A- will not call me. That I am not Secondhand News but no news at all. But A- is wrong about my intentions.

I wanted to apologize for marrying her, for acting like a horse's ass while we were married, and for the mother of all public embarrassments. I should probably also apologize for taking CC's advice back in 2008 to not divorce A-. I do apologize for all these things.

I thought such an apology should be done personally. I certainly would never think of taking up with her again - that is the sort of delusion my counselor thinks me capable of. Penance, making an effort to right things for her, was my only intention. This public apology is the best I can do. 

As for my question (for which I know there will be no answer): what happened to my stuff that you had and was in the apartment?


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