Friday, October 29, 2021

One Job Lost

This afternoon I got a call back from my PO and he informed me that he had spoken with my possible second job and had informed them since they had no monitoring software t hat he would not let me take the job. I had not thought there was  internet access but I guess there is. What got me was he said I know what you are thinking, what kind of job can I get today that does not involved a computer, when actually I was thinking if he had returned my call last week I would not have put this potential employer through the gyrations they took to hire me. I have a very good idea of jobs that do not involve computers - after all I  work a dishwashing crew. They were very nice people. I had dithered over taking the job and I ought to have mentioned my felonious past. However, I saw no sign that I would be online and thought the only issue was mere computer use. Maybe if my PO had returned my call last week I could have kept them from wasting their time.

KH asked if I couldn't avoid telling people of my criminal record. This is what happens when I do not bring up the subject This will not happen again.

A bit of advice: never tell anyone you know what they are thinking It undermines any sort of authority on your part. Only God knows our minds and our hearts. 

The potential employer called I was too much of a coward to answer the phone. They sent me an email I cam too spineless to read tonight. I have disappointed too many people. I am not sure even the Zoloft is good enough to keep me on an even keel if I disappoint anyone else.

I took a nap instead of going to the BMV. I will do that tomorrow. I did some reading and some writing and got myself off to work in the drizzle. I tried out my new umbrella. Long night at the restaurant, the knee I banged up was sore and stiff. It was a slower walk home. Dr Who remains on BBC America

Good night.


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