Monday, October 25, 2021

I Also Hate Mondays

 Even though this Monday went better than last week. This Monday I woke up on time.  I also woke up aching from stiff joints and a sore back to a gloomy, gray sky threatening rain. I checked the weather and that showed an expectation of rain By the time I caught the bus, I had made up my mind to pass on the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.  It is to be sunnier tomorrow and I can hope my left knee does not throb. Also, my friend E was coming down a bicycle. I got the bus down time.

I did not miss the bus to the Sheriff's. This was a pleasant surprise. This was not the sunny day it was  

last week last week . Fall has come to Indiana. Probably the worst season in Indiana - gray and overcast and getting chilly and ever so damp. Summer is unmitigated hot and humid; Winter is honestly cold. I suspect when my ancestors landed in Indiana they came in the Spring when the weather is mild tending towards the warm.

I came to Muncie for several reasons but just after Ball State's libraries came its bus system. Kokomo has none. Anderson's was always inadequate. Indianapolis's bus system I thought unreliable. These guys hustle, too.  

What they call The Justice Center contains Delaware County's courts, Sheriff's office, and Jail. The place used to a junior high school. 

since I am only renting a room, I am considered homeless and must report weekly to the Sheriff's office. Specifically, I report here: 
All do there is a piece of paper saying I have not moved and so the safety of the good people of Indiana is preserved. I am not really sure it does anything to protect one child but I do believe the federal government sends money to those jurisdictions maintaining a sex offender registry. What I know is that the governments of the United States and the State of  Indiana have decreed me to do this or I will commit a crime and a new criminal charge - even that of a state misdemeanor - gets me sent back to federal prison for who knows how long. I will happily go register - just don't expect me to view it as anything but politicians slipping the citizenry a placebo.
The Justice Center bus runs every 90 minutes. I had brought along Dos Passos' 1919 but instead I checked out the courts. Two were open. The new rooms are large with clean lines and look like a good place to work. As I told K when I called her, it felt strange way to see guys doing what I used to do. Call it a sense of alienation.

Waiting for the bus, I got talking to a fellow who had moved down to Muncie from East Chicago and now had moved onto Carmel. I told him the town looked better than it had back in 2010 and he said it was all on the surface; that heroin and meth were rotting the town from underneath.  He left. The bus came. I went back to my room.

I read my emails. I got my clothes out for my afternoon job interview. Then I got a call from E.  She was to call when she got to town and she called when she got there. She brought me two bikes; told me I could sell one. It was good to see her. I like to think her seeing me was also good. She took me to the grocery and paid for my food. I do not know how to gracefully accept such charity. I appreciate it more than anyone can know. I took her downtown to this bakery. By then it was time for her to get back on the road and me to get ready for the interview.

I also needed to call Mint about the phone. I did so but now I am not so sure the fix really worked. I finished off a post for the blog. I returned a call from earlier in the day a out a possible job. I have an appointment tomorrow. I will hope it goes well. I was told I could make $740 a week. With that kind of pay I could go without a second job. 

I did get most of an hour listening to WXPN. I had less luck with WPRB.

I still went to my interview. I also intended to get my hair cut. I do not think I will take this job. Yes, it is a server job and not anything like what has made my knees cranky. But they only have evening openings and the bus service ends before 7 pm. 

I decided it was too late for a haircut and I was tired of the drizzling rain, so I got myself back to the room to eat dinner and start this post. I am tired enough to go to sleep and it is not yet nine pm. Tomorrow I will be riding a lot of buses.

Still, no contact from my probation officer.

As I said Fall is here:

And since this was a Monday I almost completely hated, I must add the following video. Maybe it will leaven the disgruntlement over Mondays.


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