Monday, June 14, 2021

Looking at Going Back to Prison

 I cannot get an Indiana ID. I have been back in the state for more than 30 days and Indiana law requires me having an Indiana ID.

I have not been able to get funds to get my birth certificate so I can get an Indiana ID. Money was sent, but I cannot get at it since I do not have a telephone or a recognized government-issued ID.  This has become a Catch-22 with spearpoints. I do not see a life raft to Sweden in my future. Therefore, there may be an extremely long pause in this blog.

Understand, I have no intention of  violating the law. It is just that I cannot get the necessary documents to avoid violating the law. My birth certificate was stolen in 2009. The money should have been available to me weeks ago. So and so on until I have had enough and want to go back to prison. 

That I want to go back to prison is, I think, the result desired by the people of Indiana.

Let's see what happens on Monday.

If I am going back to prison, so much for trying to make amends for the mistakes - not just my crimes - I have made in my life; so much for wanting to offer something good where I have acquiesced in ugliness.

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