This blog starts out wrong.
What you read is not at all in the order intended when I first came up with the idea back in 2010. Then the idea was to start with what I put into my offline journal starting in 2010 and then interspersing those entries with more current entries.
What happened? I find myself in a halfway house without anything to do except watch TV (I've now seen more TV in the past month than I saw in the preceding year) until I was given access to the halfway house's computer lab. Therefore, I decided to start this blog with my journals at hand. Those start with May11, 2021 and then jump back to February of 2020. Alongside those will be the current entries. You can tell the older ones because I am following a conceit from the handwritten journals of signing off on the piece with my initials and the day's date. The current ones, those written directly to and for this blog, lack the initials and the date. It will be catch as catch can, so bear with me. I guess we will discover together whether this work.
Yes, I live in a halfway house. I live there because I am a felon just released from federal prison. More particularly, I am a sex offender. If that bother you, it does me, too. I sent photos to law enforcement while I was depressed enough to contemplate suicide. My journal deals with all of that. If all this sounds unappealing,I do not know what to say that will entice you to stay. I can only ask that you do stay.
My journal started in pretrial detention and continued through prison through my first month in this halfway house. as I've said, this blog starts during my last year of prison. You will start long after I started work on dealing with my depression. That is my primary theme throughout all these notes. Prison life and writing and books are subsidiary themes. If you find my writings on prison life boring, then you understand life in a human being warehouse. I hope to show also how well spent are your tax dollars.
About depression I have one overriding statement: deal with it before it destroys you. It is a disease with biochemical and psychological and spiritual causes, and is no more shameful than any other disease.
About comments: I will not publish any comment that says nothing more than I am an idiot (my life to date already proves that argument) or how bad a person I am (I think I've already made that point). For those of you who do not know how to make reasoned argument, go here. I hope for conversations, - even if they are critical of what I have written.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you will find something of interest.
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