Monday, January 27, 2025

Sharing Research - Hawthorne, Melville, Umar Khayyam

 I have been poking at my ideas for "Chasing Ashes", so let me share what I have found so far. Not that I am sure what I will use, or how to use what I find.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne and the Meiosis of Americanism in The Marble Faun Rasoul Aliakbari

Masterpiece Theater: The Politics of Hawthorne's Literary Reputation Author(s): Jane Tompkins


Revisiting the "Hawthorne Problem"  DAVID C. CODY (which is the most promising to my mind, if only because its interest is an area of Hawthorne I knew nothing about.)

Walt Whitman 

Walt Whitman as a Critic of Literature  Maurice O. Johnson


At 8 hours, I have only scratched the surface here:

Much shorter, and could be closer to what I am looking for, and could be part of the first:

First and third of three parts:

I made it through this one, not sure if it turned any of my gears:

This one is an hour-long college lecture:

I worry that the lectures will be academic - bloodless exhumations - when I am wanting to make sure that I have not misread, or forgotten too much of, Moby Dick. For me, Captain Ahab is American obsessiveness made incarnate - injured vanity and wanting to make money. At the same, I want even more to avoid fanboy/AI-generated twaddle.

Omar Khayyam

Umar Khayyam (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). This has been very helpful and probably saved me from cutting a character. Sometimes I need a reminder about what I do know.

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