Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Week So Far


I met my new primary care physician, got a tetanus shot but not the Covid booster, and did some grocery shopping. Back at the room, I DM for too long and made a few revisions to one of short stories. Then about 11 I stood up and fell back down on the bed. The legs were wobbly again when I made it to the bathroom. This is when I started feeling woozy. That is why I made no notes on Monday.


I woke up feeling woozy, with a vague nausea. This put me on edge during work. 

I made it to the sheriff's for registration.

Then back here to my room. I read some emails but did not feel like writing. I watched a little TV. Something about Superman and Lois puts me to sleep. I set the alarm for 4 AM hoping for a better day.


Up at 4. I did get a paragraph revised and ate a bagel and hopped myself up on RC Cola. The bus came. It was like 9 below zero.

Work went well enough until I screwed up clocking out. The Doctor's office called and my tests came back ok. 

I ate dinner. Started shivering, it was that cold even in the room with heater on. I spoke with K. I answered a long email from K. I showered. My sister and I chatted. Now I am finishing this report.

No word from my PO.


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