Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Battle Is Over - And It Was Not A Pretty Day!

 Home feeling rotten this day. Too much walking around Muncie, ignoring the heat advisory? I do not know. I woke an hour before the alarm clock with my stomach spasming and all my joints hurting. I cannot afford to lose any time at work, and yet I do not think I could have made it through the day. My hands have remained numb all day. The typing is going slow, but I am determined to do something with this time I have on my hands.

Walking four blocks round trip to the convenience store was agonizing with every step.

I checked out Google News just now and saw a review from, Across the River and Into the Trees. A Hemingway novel I have not read and not heard much good about, sounds like it is a good movie. But like the reviewer, I enjoy Liev Schreiber.

I have found much to admire in Marilynne Robinson, having read Gilead. The New Republic, I found today, reviewed her book on GenesisIn the Beginning, There Was Marilynne Robinson. It sounds typical Robinson - thoughtful and idiosyncratic. 

The late morning's soundtrack has been John Hiatt's Riding With The King. Indiana's answer to Elvis Costello.

1:08  PM

I managed a few more pages of "Three-Way Split" before I got tired of the pressure building up on my right year. I laid down on the couch/futon and poured in ear drops and kind of passed out for next 90 minutes. It was close to 6 pm when I was again fully conscious. The pork and beans were close enough for dinner.

I gave up on Grammarly. It keeps logging out and not letting me log back in.

My arms and shoulders still ache and spasm. It is too hot - around 90 degrees at 7 pm.

I found a new source for European news: Euronews. It looks to be very much business oriented.

Being an Orthodox Christian, I noticed Does ecumenicalism threaten the sovereignty of the Republic of Türkiye?. This touches on the Ukrainian War:

His Holiness the Patriarch accepted the independence request of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which had separated from the Russian Orthodox Church and applied to the Patriarchate of Istanbul for autonomy in line with the intense demands from Ukraine for a very long time.

At the Ukrainian Peace Summit held in Switzerland, Ukraine requested that His Holiness the Patriarch be an observer, and Switzerland invited him to the meeting.

There was no text signed at the meeting, and it is unlikely that the Patriarch signed any text. Our Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan was also present at the meeting attended by the Vatican and the UN.

On Google News, I follow The Orthodox Times. A headline today was Ukrainian President Zelensky meets with Ecumenical Patriarchate delegation.

During their visit, the delegation met with state authorities and ecclesiastical leaders to address key issues, including the ongoing challenges within the Orthodox community in Ukraine. Among the figures they engaged with was the honorary emeritus “Patriarch” and former Metropolitan of Kyiv, Filaret. Discussions with Filaret covered several critical topics, including the current issues within the Church, the impact of Russian military aggression on Ukraine, state-church relations, and the ongoing dialogue among Orthodox communities in Ukraine.

Strange computer behavior file: now Grammarly is working fine -after I uninstalled the extension from Chrome.

I also read Two Sherlockians and a Former Journo Walk into a Zoom Call… This is how far off course I went between 1984 and 2010, I did not know Nicholas Meyer wrote any more books. I had The Seven Per-Cent Solution in paperback and then The West End Horror in hardcover. Both have disappeared.


 I managed some more work on "Three-Way Split".

And a hot bath.

I still feel miserable; although standing and walking is not quite the problem it was. The nausea is back.

And I leave you with this:

sch 9:32 pm

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