Sunday, April 9, 2023

Going in Circles

 That has been today. I have been trying to get "Masque of the Red Death" in a publishable format. I have been at it at all day. If PDF were acceptable, I would have been done hours ago. I would not have crashed Libre Office three times.  I made it to McClure's almost half the day ago, and only into the shower at 11. I am back in Libre Office trying to generate a Table of Contents, except I am giving up. I have just too many versions.

I have to be at work at 7 am for my training. It dawned on me this evening that the earliest bus downtown is 6:15. Well, I am walking to work in the morning. 

Which means it is time to quit fooling with software that is obviously smarter than me.

In light of today, I had to include this as the song for my day:

sch 11:31 pm

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