Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blue Monday and New Job Tuesday

I walked over to the new job at 6 am. I thought I had to be there at 7 for orientation, I was early; I was supposed to be there at 7:30. Oh, well.

 It was all orientation. The room was hot, by noon I had a headache.  Some practice work. I will be doing second shift at $15.21. I wonder if I can do it, or not. I had some trouble seeing things. We will see what happens. Today starts the real thing. I have never done a manufacturing job and am more than a little nervous. Sunday night it was hard getting to sleep, then around 2 am, a throbbing in my left arm woke me up. So, maybe I was not in the best of shape yesterday.

I stopped by the Social Security office on the way back. I got the paperwork for my taxes. Now, I have to wonder if I can get to my taxes today. I have an appointment for my CPAP mask at 11:30. I have 2 hours to get the right bus. I will walk from YOC in Muncie to Yorktown. Then walk back. I then have to be at work before 3 pm, which looks to mean the 2:30 bus. No, I will need to put off the taxes till tomorrow or Thursday. Down to the wire.

I slept for a bout two hours after I nibble at the email.

Another rejection from Orca, this time for "Sloe Gin Effect":

Dear Writer,

Thank you for submitting your work to Orca. As writers ourselves we truly appreciate the time and effort that goes into crafting creative writing. We know a lot about rejection too, and know that even the most positive rejection carries with it the sting of disappointment. So although we have chosen not to publish your story, we wish you well in placing this work in another venue.


Joe, Zac, Renee, and the Orca staff

Oh, well. KH thinks it is the weakest of my "Dead and Dying Stories." We spoke after I got up and had dinner. We talked about the new job, then onto the stories. He remains confused by the rejections for "Colonel Tom." I wonder if I told him, I wonder if it is not I am not getting my point across. I worry the wet t-shirt contest will obscure the theme of capitalism and colonialism of "Sloe Gin Effect."
 I watched a bit of "Perry Mason" as I tried to get the paginating and Table of Contents for "Masque of the Red Death" working. That I did in the past hour. Last night, I just gave up. I am done fiddling. Next stop: trying to get this thing online.

Well, done here. I need a shower, wash the hair, stuff like that. I think I need to think I will not be home until midnight. Yesterday, a photo was taken for our ID badges. This I was not planning on. I think the same thing happened to me in elementary school - I came to school expecting school photos. It may have been second grade when I took scissors to my bangs.
I have let the PO know about the new job. Tomorrow, the sheriff. 
One other thing about yesterday: first job where they have active shooter drills. What a time to be alive!
Off to McClure's for Coca-Cola.
sch 8:00 am. (Two hours since the alarm went off.)

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