Sunday, March 26, 2023

Thinking on Psalm 103, 9-2-2010

 What keeps us tied to small-mindedness, to a superstitious view of the Deity? If God created all of us, then he created everything - including those of different faiths. I know I flirt with pantheism here, but is it not possible we see too little due to the limits of human intelligence?

The Lord's throne is established in heaven;/God's royal power rules over all.

I say there are more important things uniting Christians than questions of whether the Communion wafer is Christ's body or merely a representation of that body. Do not doctrinal disputes cheapen the Cross?

I know there are those who think they can hasten the Apocalypse. I think this is so much beyond human power to approach blasphemy. 

I will offer up one final thought for you, dear read (hoping one day you do exist). Are we any closer to having The Beatitudes in the forefront of our brains? Do we give more weight to worldly goods or wisdom? So as we eschew wisdom, ignore The Beatitudes, we are still far from enlightenment.



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