Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Indian Feminist Novel Reviewed

I saw the headline, Me No Pause, Me Play by Manoj Kumar Sharma – Emotionally Dark but Inspirational, from The Asian Review, and my curiosity got the better of me. No complaints, the time was well spent.

Women lives matter! Their presence, their contribution, their pain needs recognition. In most of the societies across the world, women are seen as objects to produce children, to serve husband, to work as maids within the four walls of the home. Have you ever asked yourself that the women around you living a better off life? Are people concerned to care for women in all walks of filed, in every phase of life?

“A lot has been done for gender equality, women liberation and women empowerment; patriarchy and misogyny still surface every now and then across the globe.”

Manoj Kumar Sharma’s new book, ‘Me No Pause, Me Play’ compels you to think on the above lines. Are you a contributor or an oppressor?

Me No Pause, Me Play is a short light women-centric novel with intense message for the world out spurting advances in all walks of life but ignoring women as they are second-class species on the planet.

 I cannot keep up with everything, but how many novels are there about female menopause? And also these issues?

If we ignore women and womanhood issues aside, some of the socially-oriented themes gallop across the novel…such as loneliness, failed love, marital rape, inspiration, personal dissatisfaction, mental and physical health of women reclusiveness, and a few more.

Although the review says the author focuses on Indian society, these issues seem universal.

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