Sunday, December 18, 2022

Audur Olafsdottir


Audur Olafsdottir is the first Icelandic writer I ever read. Truthfully, there have been only two.  Both were read in prison. (The other was Halldór Laxness and his novel Independent People.)

The Olafsdottir novel I read in prison was The Greenhouse. I recommend it for having a style that was crisp and also outside the usual run. It has been around 10 years, so excuse my vagueness - those notes are buried on the table in front of me. Online a short interview exists from when this novel appeared and gives a better synopsis than I do; just follow this link.

I jump ahead of my own notes because LitHub published an excerpt of her new novel, Animal Life. Please take a look. I hope you will find her as interesting as I do.

sch 12/8/22

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