Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Wedneday - Down and Up - I'm Getting Published

 The down is that I left work early - the heat got to me, and I was getting woozy in the trailer. Just 40 minutes early, then it was a walk down to the sheriff's that felt like the march to Bataan.

But the good news outweighed all that. I got my first Social Security check. That I learned this morning.

At lunch, I got the really good news. Thin Air Magazine wants to publish my story "Passerby" that is really a novel excerpt. I had to fight off the paranoia that someone was pulling my leg. What is an Arizona literary magazine want with a story about a drug addict in Muncie? I started reading the following thinking it was another rejection:

Thank you so much for sharing your excellent work with us! It is my personal pleasure to inform you that we would like to publish "Passerby" on Thin Air's website as a Web Feature.

I then realized the editor used the "p" word. This was when I tried calling KH and T2 to tell them the news. KH got the news via text messaging and then later a direct call. T2 got a voice mail. Of course, I accepted their offer. I'm nuts, not a complete idiot. I will post when it is actually published.

I missed the bus and did not get home until almost 5:30. I ate at The Barking Cow and I confess I failed to fast for supper. This did help me feel a bit better than a vegan meal might have done, but still it shows a weakness.

Back at the room, I found the Gabb phone had arrived. That will need to be set up, but not tonight.

Having accepted Thin Air's offer, I had to withdraw my story from other places. KH had suggested I send them another story of mine. So, I did.

I sent "Problem Solving" to:

  • Existere Journal of Arts & Literature
  • LIT magazine
  • The Drift Magazine

Whiskey Tit got both "Problem Solving" and "Colonel Tom." That consumed most of my evening.

I started working on this post and also putting a bit of music for T2 since she has her surgery coming up  this Monday. I talked to K. No working on my new story. Only the blog post written before work this morning was all the work I did today. After this, I will send two emails and call it a night. It culminates my bit of celebrating I did today with a hamburger. I only hope the editor who decided I was worth publishing does not come to regret her choice.

No word from CC. My sister sent her a message via Facebook.

You have probably never heard of Bettye LaVette, I first heard her before prison, and she is someone you should hear:


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