Monday, September 5, 2022

Laboring Day

 I was late getting to sleep last night and late arising. Oh, well.

I did the email thing. Deleting now more than reading.

 The first task was to start submitting Colonel Tom and getting to work on another story. Well, I have been submitting Colonel Tom. Some were from sites I had withdrawn "Colonel Tom" and others were from Write or Die Tribe's September Open Submission List or 5 Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in September 2022 from Author's Publish:

  1. Craft (A really cool site).
  2. Blue Earth Review
  3. Sweet Tree Review 
  4. Bodega 
  5. Mount Hope (Started reading "The Man Who Ate Books" and felt my hope sliding away).
  6. Common Ground Review
  7. Fabula Argentea 
  8. Jet Fuel Review 
  9. Stonecoast Review 
  11. The Lindenwood Review: a journal of literary prose (They post their stories as pdf files. I downloaded "Removing the Body", and the first paragraph convinced me I needed to read the thing.)
  12. the minnesota review
  13. Nashville Review 
  14. The Paris Review 

 I did not submit to The Good Life Review, but I did read (I try to at least skim what a magazine is publishing - which is why this little job has taken about 4 and a half hours) "Love, Dad" by Alex Sese. I thought it brilliant - better than my story.

I took a little break. The eyes were getting a little bleary. One of the cable networks is doing a Firefly marathon and I took a little time to watch. I found Shenandoah wants novel excerpts. Then I spent time playing with LibreOffice - trying to set up a template for manuscripts, until I decided this is something that needs to wait for another day when I can better afford to chase my own tail. I sent up the chapter of "Chasing Ashes" I call "Passerby." (Note to KH: I used the over letter function to explain Poe was Edgar Allan Poe.)

It is now 3:49. I was supposed to work on reformatting "Masque of the Red Death" from 1 to 4 pm. Well, I am going there at 4 pm.

WXPN has been a Seventies show today. I may get out of prison, but I can still get the radio stations I listened to back there. You will skid right by that link when you should be checking out what a good station sounds like,

Reformatting a play is tedious. Thankfully, I have the radio.

I got the first 10 pages of Masque reformatted and that is enough for the Cincinnati Review and so enough for me tonight.

I talked to KH and my oldest niece, which was the most I spoke to another human today. Not only that, but I never went further than the ice machine in the motel's office,

 Then I showered, and I got onto the Social Security site. 

No call from T2.

I saw a name and had to check it out, which got me to New Writing Scotland.

Why is this important? Let Mike Myers explain:


On the whole, a good day.

Now it is bedtime.

And just because it's a great song and I can add it and it is Labor Day:



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