Monday, September 5, 2022

Fort Dix FCI Week Ending 1-10-21

 [Here I start again on my prison journal, trying to finish off the notebook I was working on until I broke my original laptop. To see the rest of my prison journal, there will be a link to my archive of what I have posted on the topic of Prison Life - that being the subject line to click on below.  The date in the subject line will reference the date of the original journal entry. sch 9/1/22]

I had a call from my lawyer on Friday. Counselor Jones did not like how I was wearing my mask, so he rescheduled the call.

I have found plenty to rile me this week.

The writing group has been as troubled by my stories "Three Way Split" and "Blues in a Minor Key" as I am. They were experiments. "Three Way Split" needs to be longer, more world building; my opinion confirmed by my listeners. The problem with "Blues" was not just length, but a not very strong POV. That I had a new opening a few hours after our meeting may be due to having the group with and off of, but also what I am doing with "Chasing Ashes." It is early days with that novel, and I am a little diffident about the proof of concept. Where I flopped with the other two stories was being too enamored with the concept of the story than the story itself. With the novel, I think I do think is a stronger one - it's a  bit more autobiographical than has been my norm. I will start reading pieces from that next week.

I will also start writing my appellate brief this week. K will back my play on this. Waiting to hear from KH. I want to go home. I could be useful there.

I have been reading Raintree County. More coming about that experience.


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