Friday, September 2, 2022

Friday Night Notes

 I woke at 4:10 AM, took off the CPAP mask and laid back down waiting on the 5 am alarm. The alarm rang without waking me. I got up at 7 and made it to work just after 9. I really cannot afford this nonsense. 

One thing I noticed about work: by 2 pm, I am getting tired of walking, lifting and carrying boxes of plasticware.

I did not make it back to the room until 5 pm. I was not real happy about that. The number 12 bus did not show at 3:30. I know because I was there. Too footsore to want to walk down to the jail to catch the #17 at 4 pm. That it was hot did nothing to induce me to take the walk. An hour and a half to get home.

I picked up some groceries at the Downtown Farm Stand. What else could I do with time to wait for my bus home? Besides, I am trying to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, and the Farm Stand is easier to meet the food restrictions.

I looked at Gabb today. I cannot swing the new phone unless I do one of the following: 1) get the discount advertised; or 2) do not eat.

Paul S. sent an email yesterday, and I spent a long time during my walks thinking of a point he made. I need to get my writing on this computer. He thinks I need to cut down on the blogging. He is probably right. I promised to make these daily reports for friends and to make a record of what goes on with supervised release. Those will stay. I also have my journals to get typed up. Those will start appearing again on this coming Monday. Finally, I am running through my notes and will be putting those on here. I have posts scheduled up to September 10 and will have more before I stop tonight. Besides, no one is really reading anything but these notes on my current events.

I posted So The American Economy Is Such a Mess? tonight.

I got another rejection for "Colonel Tom" - the final version, this time. The publication was Ghost City Review.

How are you? Hope you and your loved ones are doing well with everything that’s been happening. Thanks for sending us your work, but we’re going to pass this time. I assure you this has nothing to do with your bio and everything to do with the number of submissions we receive. Keep on submitting at any time; we’re always accepting submissions. Take care.

Well, there is a bit of good news in there.

The reading tonight:

  1. Life Is Everywhere by Lucy Ives on the Granta magazine site. It is short, I like the writing, but not sure why my "Passerby" does not work as a standalone.
  2. Conservatives Plot Legal Challenge To Joe Biden’s Student Debt Relief, which I added to a post coming Sunday on Biden's cancelling student loan debt.
  3. Should Indiana move on from the death penalty?, which I used for a post coming next week on the death penalty.
  4. JUMP fills labor need while steering former offenders away from crime, features a local program.
  5. Ukraine steps up bid to reconquer lost territory - I find what Ukraine is doing to Russia amazing - a good lesson on the wisdom of war that some people never learn (google Spanish Armada) - and one has to question the judgment of anyone thinking Putin was /is really all that smart.
  6. 10 Words for People Who Are Bad At What They Do - what I do for fun.
  7. Portrait of the Artist as a Grown Man - because I had to read The Wasteland in high school and still not sure what it was about.
  8. How to read philosophy - I should blog on this, but it is very long, and I cannot take the time now, but anyone interested should read this.
  9. The Fed must do two things to re-establish credibility, Allianz’s El-Erian says - came to me from my friend DM and this caught my eye: "...Remember, we still have a framework that is for a world of deficient aggregate demand and we’re in a world of deficient aggregate supply.” DM and I have talked about this, that I am not sure the economists have any idea how to deal with this post-Covid economy and any proclamations made by them may be worthless.
  10. LibreTexts - humanities stuff that I have bookmarked for when I need something to read.
  11. A Summary and Analysis of Immanuel Kant’s ‘What is Enlightenment?’ - Bookmarked and I think will be a post some time in the future (or maybe not).
  12. YouTube Scripts as an Income Stream for Freelance Writers - not sure how to swing this when I am running out of time to do my own work, and yet there is always a need to make money. Bookmarked.

I owuld like to read the short story Flounder - one big error I made 40 years ago was not reading current writing - but I need to get onto typing up my journal. Tonight the journal, tomorrow night I type up "Problem Solving" - in case KH reads this!

Tonight's musical accompaniment came from KDHX; first Blues in the Night live and then the archived The Greaser's Lunchbox.

Thank K for today's Thought of the Day.

Although I did send her the Mellencamp video, this is an interesting one to view. 


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