Saturday, September 17, 2022

Almost Done with Sue Grafton 1/29/21

 I have in the past week read Sue Grafton's U is for Undertow, "V" is for Vengeance., W is for Wasted, and X.  All four ranged about 500 pages in length, which might have twice the length of her first books in the series. Credit to her for keeping the books in the time period of 1982-89, and having her heroine age naturally. It is a solution opposite to that of Nero Wolfe, where the times change, but the characters do not age. Sara Paretsky (who I have seen a recent novel from her for decades) got larger in her use of history. Grafton's size comes from bringing in her community and by having multiple story lines.  Her writing was such that one wanted to know what would become of her heroine, Kinsey Milhone. Plot meets character. There was a growth of the character, which does not always happen. She has forbidden the filming of her stories. I think it was the right decision,


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