Friday, August 19, 2022

Magical Realism

I do like lists. 10 Classic Magical Realism Books You Should Read came from Mental Floss with commentary. 

I have read One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, Yann Martel's Life of Pi, Toni Morrison's Beloved, and The Master and Margarita of Mikhail Bulgakov. I recommend all of them: Márquez writes of the wonders of growing up in a mysterious Colombia; Martel has a tiger in a lifeboat with a boy - or maybe not; Beloved is a ghost story as any written by Stephen King - scarier since the ghost may a child murdered by her mother; and Bulgakov has Satan visiting Stalin's Moscow.

For me magical realism finds a strangeness, a wonder, a mystery in the world that cannot be captured by mere realism.

The others on the list I know of. Go read these novels and see if you do not find yourself sucked into the stories.

sch  8/4

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