Friday, August 19, 2022

Where Now for Trump?

Liz Cheney lost, where now for Trump?

Well, more grfting fund-raising from those enthralled by his bluster, more playing the victim when he shoots himself in the foot, more presenting himself as one with those Americans in love with their own victimhood but Trump Steamrolls His Way Past Accountability. The Mar-a-Lago Search Might Be Different. 

The anti-Trump conservatives at The Bulwark published Would the GOP Nominate an Indicted Trump

In a wholly fictitious Earth 2.0, this uniquely dangerous moment would incline our political/media class to sobriety and restraint. In a rational world, the possibility that the former president might have committed crimes by absconding with sensitive, perhaps super-secret nuclear related documents, and then lied about it, would have shaken the confidence of even his most devoted followers.

The law and order party backs attacks on cops enforcing laws against Republicans. Talk about defunding.the police! I do not recall Black Lives Matter threatening the lives of policemen or judges or other government officials who did not as wanted by BLM.

 Still no explanation why Trump had classified documents. I am thinking he wanted souvenirs . The could be expensive keepsakes: You don’t have to be a spy to violate the Espionage Act – and other crucial facts about the law Trump may have broken

 I heard the country needs a revolution 12 years ago. Dana Milbank wrote and LitHub published Republican Party Embraced Political Violence Before January 6th. Those advocating revolution never quite say what they hope to change or gain - there is no Lenin or Hitler with a plan behind the revolution - their advocacy comes to nothing more than an emotional desire for change; not so much a revolution as a temper tantrum thrown by those thinking they deserve more without putting in the work.

The Bulwark's The MAGA Crowd May Venerate 1776 But They Idolize a Would-Be Monarch points out the MAGA crowd lacks an understanding of American history as well as having a toddler's political vision:

The irony here is that the real-life American revolutionaries were avowed enemies of monarchy, while today’s wannabe revolutionaries have as their leader and hero Donald Trump, the most arrogant, monarchical president in U.S. history, a man who truly imagines himself to be beyond the law that applies to everyone else.

I think Trump is going to court. I would like to see what he does when the (finally) calls his bluff.

There is voting against the Republicans. They need an attitude adjustment.

sch 8/16/22

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