Wednesday, July 27, 2022

So Go Ask Alice Is a Fraud

I remember seeing people reading Go Ask Alice back in Junior High, maybe high school. I never had any interest. My recollection was it had no interest because I suspected its bona fides. Just as I later found Reefer Madness unreal. I thought the book had gone the way if the movie. Nope.

Esquire's Go Ask Alice Is a Lie. But Bookstores Won't Stop Selling It. exposes the fraud. It also has one of the clearest debunking of the War on Drugs that I have read.

...But her ignorance inadvertently contributed to a culture that was too frightened of what it didn’t understand to productively deal with it. The war on drugs did more damage than good, focused as it was on eradicating symptoms while neglecting the disease. Drug use wasn’t the problem; systemic oppression, poverty, depression, sexuality, gender identity, abuse—those are the reasons there was such a high suicide rate for teens in the 70s and 80s. It was not because Satan was on the hunt.

The drug problem is a medical and social problem. Treating it as anything else is not about society but about the extension and maintenance of political power.

Speaking of drugs, I never met a violent pothead. Tucker Carlson Points Finger At Women And Weed For Latest Mass Shooting.

sch 7/6/22

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