Thursday, July 28, 2022

Senator Braun's Response About Abortion

I sent a form letter to Senator Braun and got a form letter back. Ho hum. But there was this paragraph that I could not quite dismiss.

As a father and a grandfather, the right to life is deeply important to me. During my tenure in the United States Senate, I will vote in a way that best represents my values and the values of the Hoosier constituents who elected me, supporting legislation that recognizes that life begins at conception. Given many taxpayers’ objections to abortive procedures, I think it is important that the federal government does not play the role of a pro-choice advocate when it comes to its involvement in personal medical care decisions.

 Er, not so sure how many Hoosiers agree life starts with conception. This article cites polling from 2019 showing only 28% support a total ban on abortion. Pew Research polling is unclear. Assuming support for a total ban also indicates a minority supports life starting at birth, Senator Braun represents a minority of our state.

I have no problem if Senator Braun votes his conscience. I think his conscience would also have him acknowledge his conscience does not represent Indiana.

My eyebrows went up as I read "federal government does not play the role of a pro-choice advocate." I do not know where this comes from. I see and hear federal officeholders advocating protection of a woman's federal rights of equality and liberty.

And how he finishes this sentence only increases the problem: "when it comes to its involvement in personal medical care decisions." Then it is all right for the states to invade and negate "personal medical care decisions"? 

 I see neutrality in the federal government's handling of the abortion issue. They do not declare that a 10 year old girl must abort. It is the pro-choice crowd legislating against such a child not aborting

Such mealy-mouthed words from the Senator  are meant to his mendacity, his stupidity, or his contempt for the voters of Indiana. Ah, for days of Dick Lugar.

I keep repeating myself: anyone favoring democracy must vote for the Democrats. I wanted to write "must vote against the Republicans" but any splitting of the anti-Republican vote needs be avoided.

sch 7/18/22

Updated 7/19/22:

Abortion: GOP poll shows little Hoosier support for total ban:

The House and Senate GOP campaign committees conducted a poll on abortion shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the Dobbs v. Jackson decision on June 24. The polling firm is reliably Republican, but the results were shocking to some conservative members of the caucuses.

Hello, Indiana Democrats! Maybe it is time to stop rolling over for the Republicans.

sch 7/19/20 

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