Sunday, July 31, 2022

My weekend of frolic


It was off to work washing dishes. I did some reading before I left. I napped after I got back. I read a bit about Nietzsche. I called DM about driving me back from Carmel on Tuesday and about a lot more he could probably have done without. I walked down to McClure's for pop and a snack. I watched some tv. It was a far quieter night than that had by Wanda Jackson:


Overslept, walked to work, and got a ride back.

Napping now seems habitual. I posted about my story rejections. Tried getting through to Uber and Lyft. This lasted 30 - 40 minutes until I just called the local taxi company. $110 for the trip to Carmel. I called K about this and a few other things. Phone calls are a major PITA. I have two letters to write, more posts to do here, and may walk to McClure's.

I need to write more about my PO's visit. Let this suffice for now: he asked if I had had relations with anyone. This after my telling him I worked and stayed at the room from a lack of energy. This question amuses me. Not having a woman in my life feels like freedom. Celibacy is a release. That I feel I was never a benefit to the women in my life has me wanting no more experiments in relationships. But even if all this was to change there remains a lack of energy and time and finance for romance. I suppose my PO must take an interest in my sex life. It just surprises me he is not clued into there is no way for me to meet anyone suitable. I doubt he will believe my lack inclination for romance.

But then he does not the truth about the American intertwining of love and finance:


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