Sunday, July 24, 2022

American Politics - Time Has Come

 America to take responsibility for my crimes.

Yet, a wide swath of America made a loudmouth grifter and self-confessed sex offender President of the United States.

America thinks I need lifetime supervision, but there are those who kiss the ring of the first President to attempt overthrowing the Constitution.

I used to think it was my depression that had me thinking I was the crazy one. I come home from prison to find it is the world that has gone crazy.

I read Charles Taylor's How to Defend Democracy from Itself: On Steve Erickson’s “American Stutter, 2019–2021” and I find two others who worry over who has taken charge in America and what they want to do to this country's ideals.

The title of American Stutter comes from the speech impediment Erickson shares with Joe Biden. But there’s no hesitation in the book’s language or its thought. And there’s no invitation to smug self-satisfaction in the way Erickson lays out our current reality. He has nothing to offer but hard choices with no guarantee of victory. In his introduction to the journalism Albert Camus did at Combat, the American scholar David Carroll described the central question Camus posed this way: “It is not just how to defend democracy from its totalitarian enemies but also how to defend democracy from itself.” The horrorthat American Stutter looks squarely in the face is the possibility that American democracy and American totalitarianism may become the same thing.

 Moderation can be immoderate when faced with unjust extremism.

sch 7/17/22

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