Sunday, July 24, 2022

Constitutional Fixes #3

 When I was in college, I recall reading that the United States Constitution was the best of its kind. That sounded so good back in the Cold War days. Time has proven the errors in what I was taught. Its weaknesses have been exploited by the Republicans and especially the Trumpists until they threaten our democracy. The United States Constitution needs amendments. 

These are ideas that came to me over the past twelve years. They still seem timely.

Term Limits for Legislators

I give timespans just for the purpose of example but they are what I think are the minimum periods.

For the U.S. House, following the first election after ratification of the amendment, no one shall hold their seat for more than 6 years out of the next 8 years. If the person wins the next 3 elections, they cannot run in the fourth. If the person wins the first two elections, loses the third, but wins the fourth, the 8 year period restarts. 

For the Senate, the same concept but with different time periods - say, 12 years out of 18.

Yes, there is no total ban but more of a breathing space; a time out for incumbents.

sch 7/1/22

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