Friday, July 29, 2022

Abortion Success Eludes Indiana Republicans

 Okay, I am not trying to keep up with the news but this passage from No supporters on first day of Indiana abortion bill debate supports a point I made in Indiana Abortion Changes:

...There are no criminal penalties for women who seek abortions in the bill.

Still, Glick said that could change as early as Tuesday.

“This bill is a framework,” Glick said. “One of the criticisms of our bill has been the lack of criminal penaltiens, and so I think you’re going to see amendments in regard. We’re here to listen to testimony and hear what those ideas and thoughts are.”

Uh, huh. Told you so. The Republicans do love throwing people in prison. Unless it is a Republican trying to overthrow an election and the Constitution.

sch 7/29/22

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