Monday, June 6, 2022

Moloch Ruling America

I just saw on the TV screen a quote from a Republican saying abortion causes our mass killing culture.

Let's see... Abortion was illegal when lynching was an entertainment option in the South. Was abortion legal when America committed genocides on it indigenous population? 

But true, killing American children on a wholesale basis is a new thing. Could it be the lack of AR-15s until recently?

Could it be America has always been the land of Moloch?

I got this idea reading The Almighty Gun from The Baffler and The Bulwark's We Got Here By Sacralizing Guns. One of the reasons I left the Christian church for decades and why when I did return it was through the Orthodox Church, was what I saw as the Protestant church's unchristian position. Christ did not carry weapons. Christians do not make idols of weapons.

sch 6/4/22 

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