Saturday, June 4, 2022

Indiana Republicans Dumbing Down Hoosiers

Seems like articles keep turning up about Indiana's problems with lack of education and our dim economic future. Mine you can reach by clicking on the link below for the Politic label.

Now I want to direct you to Indiana lags in education. Don’t blame history.. A bit of that more recent history:

After World War II, the economic boom times brought in tax revenue to build and expand schools while undercutting the practical importance of education.

“It was a wonderful time, where there was rising per capita income, the middle class was growing, there was more revenue from taxes,” Madison said. “And where you could always go down to the factory and get a job.”

I grew in Anderson seeing the aftereffects of that time. Anderson High School had a Russian class in 1978. They also had the second largest gym in the country.

More recent history inspired my headline for this post:

More recently, however, our leaders embraced the idea that money doesn’t matter in education. They cycled through trying to shame teachers and schools into improving and looking to consumer choice and competition as a panacea. When times were bad, they cut spending. When times were good, they cut taxes.

As a result, “Indiana’s inflation-adjusted spending per K-12 student was 17% lower in 2020 than it was in 2010,” Briggs writes, citing Hicks’ research.

Since the Republicans have been running this state, they have been dumbing down Hoosiers. Why? 

I say to better keep control.

More importantly, why do Hoosiers let the Republicans dumb them down?


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