Saturday, June 4, 2022

Friday's Mess

 I overslept. Birds were chirping when I finally woke up. I rushed around like a chicken missing its proverbial head gone missing. With age has not come serenity and wisdom only the repetition of old foolishnesses with more pain. Birds do not chirp like The Sex Pistols at 5 am.

So I was late to work. Turning off the phone I noticed that the PO had called. I assumed he had not seen the email I sent Thursday. (See Thursday and Trouble Comes Knocking). 

Lunchtime I dealt with my upcoming colonoscopy. IU Ball Memorial still had the Indianapolis CVS as my pharmacy. Got that fixed. I can expect a trip to pick up a system cleansing beverage in the next few days. The thing itself is not till the 23d. Ah, the things to look forward to in this life!

I left a little early. I had my petition to modify in hand. I walked down to Cowan Road to pick up the bus. I do not understand why the 3:15 #12 bus is always a problem. We got to the station just late enough to miss the #3 bus. Good thing about that, I had forgotten to call the court to get my case number. I got that done.

I also managed to call K by accident. I was talking to her, waiting for the #3, drinking a Coke from The Barking Cow, when KH called. I then started talking to him. I was talking to him when the #3 arrived, I was talking to him when I almost missed the #3. That driver was bound to be on schedule 

I had planned going to Staples to copy the petition. I had to stop at Dr Tavel first. I had bent my glasses when I did not get out of the way of a falling box. The fellow there got them straightened - the world had been askew unto the point of making me nauseous and giving a low-grade headache. While there this kid behind me said, "Grandpa, those look like Jeffrey Dahmer glasses. "  I asked the guy helping me with my glasses if those glasses came with a free meal.

I got my copies made. I also found out Staples did not have stamps. By now the downtown post office would be closed. I knew only one place to get stamps. The #3 approached as I walked out of Staples.

I called K back. Got caught up with her. She hangs tough. I am embarrassed that I ever cracked up when I hear what she deals with.

I took the number 6 up to Walgreen's. I thought about walking to the room from there. I might have if I had known of a mailbox en route. I caught the #6 on its return. 

Downtown, I walked over to the post office. I guessed at postage, slapping probably too many stamps.

But they went into the mailbox.

I got back here, ate dinner, and called the woman who will be doing some typing for me. Until the PO approves the new laptop, I must find some way to skin the cat of all this paper lying around my room. I meet with her next Saturday.

 I tried reading Hellman (Candide is rough going.), talked to KH for a few minutes, and then could not keep my eyes.

I go dishwashing soon. I see "Death and a Kiss" has now had 708 reads. KH thinks this is good.

I wonder why my PO never answered my email.

Song for this morning is for KH who never has time for such silliness.

Online radio for this morning is WMBR out of MIT.


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