Thursday, June 2, 2022

Thursday and Trouble Comes Knocking

 All went well for most of the day. Cooler temps so that my COPD did not kick up. One milked their trailer for all it was worth. The crew I am on got the job finished but disgusted me so much I left 20 minutes early.

I noticed my PO called but I could not get at the voicemail. 

I called the attorney and okayed his draft.

I called the woman about typing my stuff. She was to call me back tonight. She did not.

I went up to FedEx to print out my petition from my phone. My sister started texting me. That function ever seems to stop.

 I would not have filed it in the old days with its signature lines askew. But these are not the old days.

Then I went to Aldi's.

I got dinner and food for tomorrow.

I waited for the bus outside of Texas Roadhouse. They have not changed their wi-fi. Saw some people I used to work with. They all seemed to miss me. Which seems strange to me - anyone liking me surprises me.

I now could get access to my PO's message. This is it with an edit:

Mr. Hasler, it's me Mr. Witter. You don't have the option to choose of what's treatment provider that you go to at your own choosing you need to call me 317-. Again, that number is 317-. Thank you.

Well, too late to call him.

 Too tired to check out Downtown Muncie's First Thursday. The lack of groceries also went against me doing anything but sit at the bus station. From there all signs indicated s good turnout. So I sent my PO this email:

All I have done is to find what is a available. I assumed you would need to approve.

As for Ms. Byrd, I do not see how she will be able to see me again. I spoke to my other counselor and other persons and they question her methodology. The questions are such that I am in the process of notifying her licensing agency.

Meridian Health Services is the only provider that has responded to my inquiries. I have not found out if they will take me. Do you want their contact information.

I got back to my room after 6. Ate dinner. The time went writing Gun Violence: Take Second Amendment Seriously while listening to The Greaser's Lunchbox. The show for today was 1977.

I have 693 reads for "Death and a Kiss".

Time to call it a night.

Here is the song of the day - Bo Diddley covering The Band. A song that seems always fitting for me.


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