Sunday, June 12, 2022

Book Banning

Nathan Bransford published links to book banning efforts under Book banning runs rampant. (Yes, I am a bit late posting that one.)

Less broadly, but one a bit closer to me, is Book bans in prison cut inmates' lifeline to outside world from NBC News:

“The mindset that we come across says anything to do with Black studies, or Native studies, or a number of different things, will be damaging to an orderly prison system,” Chan said.


 During his more than 10 years in different Pennsylvania prisons, Stevie said he has grown frustrated, prompting him to file hundreds of grievances over the issue in the past year.

“I get very angry. I feel cut off from the world,” he said. “I feel like someone doesn’t want me to know something.”

And therein lies the purpose of book bans - someone wants to keep someone else ignorant. Why do those people prize ignorance? Control. Putin is keeping the Russian people ignorant of the Ukraine War. Ignorant people cannot govern in a democracy. 

As for banning books in prison, those who want to leave behind the criminal life need education on their alternatives. Why would the government want to keep them from changing their lives? What would happen to all those prison jobs if we allowed criminals to change their lives?

sch 5/38/22 

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