Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Another Rocky Monday; A Better Tuesday


Forgot to turn on the alarm. So another morning of trouble waking up.

I decided to do what I did not do Friday. I caught the bus at 10:45.

On the bus, again, was the woman I think is CC. She indicated she cannot hear. I wrote on the phone a question asking if she was CC. Her answer was not a denial. It was not an affirmation.

Social Security took all of (maybe) 15 minutes. I await my new card. Then I will go to the BMV to get a driver's license. With the driver'd license, I should be able to rent a car that can take me to the polygraphy exam on 8/2.

I got to work late. I stayed there until end of shift.

I went over to Meridian Health. I brought home a release form.

I stopped first at McClure's. I had a bit of a headache and decided against grocery shopping.

I called KH. We spent too long talking about politics and writing.

I spent some time trying to find CC's daughter. I now am subscribed to the Muncie paper. I sent an email to KH with what I found.

I made sure the alarm was on and went to sleep.

Speaking of waking up, words of wisdom from Funkadelic:


I woke before the alarm. Actually, I woke several times.

I caught the bus when I am supposed to. At the station I sent a text to my niece - which she has yet to answer. I spent the morning unpacking a truck and the afternoon putting glass bottles on a conveyor belt. Bus was late. I started feeling a headache. 

I had not filled out the release form. Having missed the #5 bus, I decided to check my bank balance and get a milk shake at The Barking Cow. I got brain freeze. The headache started to clear.

Again, I stopped at McClure's to repeat last night's dinner. I ate, I showered, I listened to the news, I dozed for a while.

I did some reading online: The Literary Afterlife of F.O. MatthiessenPROFOUNDLY OUT OF JOINT On Thuận’s novel Chinatown., Brilliant Scholar or Predatory Charlatan?: On Jerry Z. Muller’s “Professor of Apocalypse: The Many Lives of Jacob Taubes”, and What Happened: A Look at Joseph Heller’s Forgotten Novel. About the last article, a high school teacher gave me Something Happened when I graduated, and it was gratifying to see someone else thinking that novel is better than Catch-22.

I watched Superman and Lois. I have come to like the show.

I got  a rejection of "Passerby":
Thank you for your submission to GASHER Journal. We appreciate the opportunity to review your work, and we continue to be impressed by the volume of incredible work we receive each submission period. After careful review, this submission was not selected. We wish you the best of luck placing your work elsewhere and hope you re-submit to GASHER in the future.
Bedtime. Except I kept waking about every two hours.

No word from T2. Nothing from nephew #2. I did get a letter about SSI application.

And for closing out Tuesday, Louis Jordan:

Bit of sardonic humor there.


I set the alarm for 4 am. I read the news. I ingested fizzy  caffeine and sugar water. I started writing this thing.

This morning brought another rejection of "Colonel Tom":
Thank you so much for sending Colonel Tom for consideration at The Razor. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to read it. Unfortunately, it’s not a good fit for us at this time. As I’m sure you’ve heard before, publishing is so subjective. Just because it is not the right fit for us at The Razor doesn’t mean somewhere else won’t give it a home. In fact, I feel pretty confident in saying they will. Just keep at it!

All the best,

The Razor

KH sent me an email telling me to walk away from the CC mystery. I would like to know. I have this feeling it may explain some of the last 12 years of Muncie. But he has a point and I do not have all that much time.

Time to get dressed and to stop writing. Music for the day? 

Got a lot of running today.


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