Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Yep, Mike Pence Wants a National Abortion Ban

 From DailyKos: Oh, they're not done: Mike Pence calls for nationwide abortion ban in wake of Roe decision.

Get ready for it. Do not believe their denials. Republicans have power, crave more power, work to get more power, and then use their power to achieve their goals.

Reading the comments to Hey, Federalist Society: I got your 'Federalist' right here - some, there is only so much time in this world - I saw lots of complaining about electoral inequities, nothing about how liberals had not taken their politics as seriously as had The Federalist Society. (By the way, the post does touch on how right-wingers use deceptive names for their organizations.) Those of us opposed to this creeping fascism, need to be ad organized as our opponents.

sch 6/28/22

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