Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Cultural War: Sex Weaponized

 Sex is a weapon in America.

Not a natural act, but a perversion.

See State Sen. McMorrow on reclaiming faith from being used as 'a weapon to hate people'

See DeSantis Torches Disney Over Opposition To Law Banning Sexual Ideology Being Forced On Young Children.

I found these selections from The Guardian's What is driving the anti-sex backlash? giving me ideas:

No wonder there’s an anti-sex backlash, when today sex and the threat of sex is routinely framed as something intrinsically dangerous, whether discussing dating apps or Disneyworld. But despite the illusion we’re living in a sexually liberated culture and despite the internet revealing new depths and flavours of lust, I think the backlash is happening because we were never truly liberated. Not from the model of sex designed by men, nor from the threat of sexual violence or shame or even from the idea that sex is necessarily important, political or identity-defining. Despite Love Island and Sex and the City, it seems the sex-negative feminism of the 1970s and 80s never really went away, because so many of the issues that drove it were turfed over, rather than destroyed.


 The anti-sex feelings rising today build on historic wounds and the lessons sexual liberators attempted to teach – that sex was powerful and meaningful and greater than the sum of its parts – are manipulated and weaponised daily, by bad people in bad faith. I’ll watch this culture war play out from the vantage point of middle age, in my heated hoodie, sexless, but cosy at least.

One thing I see at group therapy is how the importance of sex, its ability to identify us, got us all in trouble.

Bad sex hurts people; good sex helps. Bad sex is hateful; good sex heals. Joy is found in good sex, never in bad sex.

I keep writing here how little interest I have in sex. It is more that I do not see myself ever again falling in love and there is a fear I did not bring as much joy as I thought I did.

I do not mind this lack. From it I rediscovered what we should all know: our humanity is not limited to our sexuality.

Fight anything that limits our humanity. Beware of those who declare themselves opposed to humanism. No, humanism does not include harming other people.

And an alternative to those who would portray sex as violent or shameful:

sch 4/29/22

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