Saturday, March 26, 2022

Creativity and Depression

I believe my keeping a journal for almost 12years now kept my depression under control. When I told the psychiatrist for my Social Security disability about keeping my journal, she thought I had done good finding this coping device. I think the problem I have with group therapy (well one) is that I have dealt with the issues behind my arrest in my journal (some parts have appeared on this blog) over and over. 

Now Gia de Cadenet has published on LitHub Between Manifestations of Creativity and Depression. She does a better job than I have in describing the sneakiness of depression; how madness slowly takes over one's reality.

There’s the way inspiration and depression can just show up. Maybe in a slow trickle—a bit of a song, the texture of a piece of fabric—and an idea for a story is born. For depression it can be the accumulation of difficulties at work, or a deteriorating relationship or a chemical imbalance, and an episode can start.

Please read the whole essay.

sch 3/16/22 

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