Saturday, February 5, 2022

Books: Rabbi Sasso's Children Books

I do no read children's books so I did not know of Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, an Indianapolis rabbi, until I received an email from Indiana Authors with a review:

...Indiana author Sandy Sasso has long been a staple of Jewish stories for children, and two of her most recent books certainly fit the bill to add diversity and nuance to any library for children, whether it be at a home or in a public library.

Sandy Eisenberg Sasso is uniquely qualified to tell these types of stories. She is Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis where she served for many years. She was the second woman ever to become a rabbi, which must have influenced her when she wrote the picture book JUDY LED THE WAY, a sweet and gentle account of the first girl to have a bat mitzvah ceremony in the United States in 1922 not long after women got the vote in 1920.


Sasso’s other recent book for children is a collection of stories from the bible titled THE RAVEN AND THE DOVE, THE BIG FISH, AND THE STUBBORN DONKEY. The cute hook here is that the three stories are each told from the animal’s perspective, and they are funny....



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