Saturday, February 12, 2022

Another Saturday Night

I had a job interview and may have a second job. The interviewer thought I was fun. I told her my ex-wife might differ. I have no idea what makes me fun.

That was all the further I went to today. I did not get my haircut - procrastination showing up, again. I did not get the distilled water for my cpap machine because I got off at my stop instead of going around to Dollar General. I am not going down to McClure's for Coca-Cola. It is too cold for walking or I am too lazy or both. 

I did write more for the blog. With this post I will have published 806 posts. There are 37 posts scheduled. Most of those are labelled On Writing. I wil need to slack off some on these posts. Not enough readers and I need to do other things. If my PO had approved my laptop, I would be working on my fiction instead.

I did talk to KH this morning. We talked mostly about the blockading truckers and a piece he had written and a bit about my blog.

K called me on my way to the interview.

I did see CC on the bus. I saw her when I left for the interview. She was on the bus when. I rode back from my interview. CC looked terrible. Where there was intelligence, spunk, there is only its absence. I realized looking at her hurt. She got off at my stop. I did likewise.  I tried speaking with her. She has no clue who I am. She did not even give me the hell I deserve from her. Back in the room, I called K to give her an update on the news. She told me what I had already thought: time to write off CC. It is not that hard. For years I assumed she was dead. Now she is doing a good imitation of the dead.

I need to get to my short story and Celine. I want to get to my writing even though I worry about having ruined whatever skills certain people thought I had. But Waylon gives me hope.

Not a Tennessee Saturday Night here.

Nope, I ate dinner and put together a playlist for St. Patrick's Day and accomplished nothing more. Somebody better play dome of the music come 3/17. 



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