Monday, January 24, 2022

Writing: Unconventional Inspiration

Out here in the Midwest when I was young and thinking of being a writer, I had as examples William Faulkner and Kurt Vonnegut. What I lacked was any idea.of how to get from examples to actual creation. I gave up. I only took up writing again when there was nothing left to lose.

If you find yourself in the same spot - wanting to create something with your words and do not have confidence on how to go forward - I suggest you read Electric Lit's Our Favorite Essays about Unconventional Writing Teachers. It is a series of stories how published writers fulfilled the following:

...Many of us find ourselves falling down late-night internet rabbit holes, hours of research wasted with no more clarity on the To MFA or Not To MFA debate. But whether you believe a formal, academic route to professional writerdom is the answer or prefer a disciplined regime of scribbling on Post-Its while waiting in the car line, there’s no right way to learn to write. That said, there are ample teachers in the world around us, if we’re paying due attention and remaining open to organic inspiration.

Read and then get to writing.



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