Thursday, January 27, 2022

Goodnight Thursday

I got up this morning, went to work on the bus. I spent 8 hours moving products of China: playing cards, games, checkers. I do not think the boss likes me. I have to admit being tired enough to have spent the day in a daze. I probably do not like him, either.

I ride back downtown. I had almost half an hour to kill, so I walked over to the organic grocery. I saw nothing to buy but a bottle of root beer. I had the bus drop me at McClure's where I bought milk and Coca-Cola. 

Back here I did laundry and fixed a meal. I did some reading and did some writing for this blog. What I did not do was revise my short story. Why? It takes too long to write on this phone. It is not s real computer.

Speaking of computers, no word from my PO on when he will come visiting.

Goodnight, dear reader.



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