Saturday, January 29, 2022

Censorship Way Down South

Let's start with state having a history.of problems with the modern world, Mississippi: MAYOR WITHHOLDS LIBRARY FUNDING UNTIL ALL LGBTQ BOOKS ARE REMOVED.

Ridgeland, Mississippi mayor Gene McGee is withholding $110,000 from the library system until all “homosexual materials” are removed. He stated that these books “went against his Christian beliefs” and will not be funding the library until they are removed....

And then along comes Tennessee:  Tennessee school board's removal of Holocaust book 'Maus' draws international attention

"The McMinn County School Board voted 10-0 to ban the book in a Jan. 10 meeting, citing concerns over "rough" language and a nude drawing of a woman, according to meeting minutes posted to the district website. The book was part of its eighth-grade English language arts curriculum. 

The move came after a discussion among board members and instructional supervisors about the book's content and how best to teach students about the Holocaust. Arguments largely hinged on what is age appropriate and what reflects the values of the district and the community.


 As news spread about the school board's decision, the US Holocaust Museum posted about "Maus" on Twitter Wednesday. 

"Maus has played a vital role in educating about the Holocaust through sharing detailed and personal experiences of victims and survivors," the post read. "On the eve of International #HolocaustRemembranceDay, it is more important than ever for students to learn this history. Teaching about the Holocaust using books like Maus can inspire students to think critically about the past and their own roles and responsibilities today." 

I read Maus in prison. It does bring home the Holocaust in a way that was emotional and is a graphic novel I highly recommend. I cannot think of anything in it that would injure a high schooler reader.



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