Monday, December 27, 2021

The Holidays Continue

Not for me do the holidays continue. No, the Delaware County Sheriff along with the whole of the Delaware County Government used today as part of their Christmas holiday. Never underestimate a government agency or employee to take a holiday. None of this did I find out until I got to the building. I was supposed to be at work at 9 AM. I would have had an hour in already.

First, I ought to finish up about Sunday. Yesterday was not much but work and sleep. I did finish John Dos Passos' USA Trilogy. The novels deserve to be read and I will explain whenever I get a real computer to do my writing. Then I started on Djuna Barnes' Nightwood - a very different kind of writer for all her being a contemporary of Dos Passos.

Today, I walked over to Memorial and picked up a different bus. I called K first - an act of desperation - but she was working. Good thing I had a day pass for the bus - a great value for a buck. Then I got the #6 bus to work. Where it was so bloody slow until five, just before I left. I stayed to help Alex but I had to leave. I got in 34 hours this week. I walked over to Aldi's for groceries and then to Walgreen's for a tube of Ben-Gay before taking the #6 back downtown. The #5 bus got me back to my room. Dinner, working on my income for when I go talk with welfare tomorrow, talked to my sister, doing a little reading, and watched some Doctor Who.

Now I have finished writing this and it is closing in on midnight. Maybe I can finish  Barnes tomorrow.


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