Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Bennington Review

Have another example of what was generally unavailable before the internet: Bennington Review. This is cutting edge stuff here; before you would have had to hunt down the physical journal. Assuming you even knew about its existence. Now you can sample its poetry and prose online. You need not be limited in your exposure to published writing I was once upon a time. I rather liked Emily Mitchell's story Her Face I Cannot See - although its conclusion did become foreseeable.

The Review does take submissions and pays for what it prints. 

Bennington Review is published twice a year in print form, Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. We aim to stake out a distinctive space for innovative, intelligent, and moving fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, film writing, and cross-genre work. In the spirit of poet Dean Young’s dictum that poets should be “making birds, not birdcages,” we are particularly taken with writing that is simultaneously graceful and reckless. 

Check out its submissions page here.



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