Thursday, December 23, 2021

Indiana Writer: Maurice Broaddus

I was completely unaware of Maurice Broaddus until I found the Indiana Humanities' YouTube page and this video. Which led to this one. Then onto Google and Wikipedia because I liked his personality that came through the videos. He has written extensively in what I read as speculative fiction. He has novel coming out soon. The following comes from his own website:

A community organizer and teacher, his work has appeared in magazines like Lightspeed Magazine, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Asimov’s, Magazine of F&SF, and Uncanny Magazine, with some of his stories having been collected in The Voices of Martyrs. His books include the urban fantasy trilogy, The Knights of Breton Court, the steampunk works, Buffalo Soldier and Pimp My Airship, and the middle grade detective novels, The Usual Suspects and Unfadeable. His project, Sorcerers, is being adapted as a television show for AMC. As an editor, he’s worked on Dark Faith, Fireside Magazine, and Apex Magazine.

Please give him a look.



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