Friday, October 29, 2021

More Proof of Right Wing Looniness

 It has been a bit fo time but not too great since Candace Owens proposed the United States invade Australia over the tyranny of our ally's Covid restrictions. Forbes lays the story out here,

I wanted to see what the Australians had to say about this proposed invasion. Searching The Age for Candace Owens turned up nothing; which I took as their respectable press ignoring rubbish. filed it under its Entertainment section which concludes with a tellingly sane response:

Australia has largely escaped the worst of the pandemic, with just 1448 deaths.

The official US death toll stands at more than 729,000.

 There are 1226 comments to the article.

The Lad Bible published a piece that ended with the following paragraphs (the first quotes Ms. Owens):

"Currently Australia is a tyrannical police state, its citizens are quite literally being imprisoned against their will, so when do we deploy?"

Not sure where she is getting the 'imprisoned against their will' part except for maybe the people who have been jailed for breaking lockdown restrictions.

Considering the US is a massive ally and partner with Australia, it's next to impossible to even consider a scenario where Joe Biden would order troops to invade our sunny shores and spread...'democracy' as Candace Owens put it.

Does American television really need give time to outright idiots?


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