Sunday, October 10, 2021

Interpretations 7/21/2021

 Yesterday, my case worker found me sneaking in Youtube videos while I was in the computer lab. I get the feeling she did not approve. I didn’t approve of the female group’s interpretation of Led Zeppelin's “Whole Lot of Love.” (Here is the video of The Devil's Daughters' version.)

Then I got thinking she thinks I’m hunting down pornography. (Okay, I do think the singers depend too much on their cleavage but pornographic?) And should she think this? Because the federal government has interpreted me as one for whom pornography would be his sole interest in life. If not sole, then certainly chief.

I do not see myself this way, but I permitted this interpretation when I remained alive to admit my felonies. I have also left myself open to an interpretation of pedophilia. No one wants to interpet me as a damned fool.

I do interpret myself as a damned fool. You may think this as a plea of mitigation. If so, why do I not feel any lessening of the damage I have done to myself?

But more broadly, surely more interestingly than focussing on myself, is using this as an example of the divergence between interpretations and the creator’s intentions. Moreover, how an official opinion - whether the official nature arises from the power of an office or the power of custom does not seem to matter here -  affects those making an interpretation of philosophy, work of art or  literature, or any other human action or work needs reckoned with. The distance between a creator’s intention and the received dogma built up interpretation needs considering.

Seems to me we need to understand the text as reality. Our interpretation - even those of the creator - need be judged by how they track the  actual text.

Explaining the text must not be confused with explaining one’s reaction to the text. With the latter, reality is not the text but the intersection of text and observer. (Which prompts me to think the French would say the first was not possible, only the intersection of text and observer). 

Just a few thoughts on the spur of the moment. YMMV.


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