Saturday, October 23, 2021

Friday and Saturday Morning

 Friday started out as gloomy as Thursday. Come to think of it the weather only got worse.  I did more writing - I did not intend to do so but I am wanting to get as much done as possible - but I stopped long enough to collect my laundry and catch the bus. Muncie lacks a laundromat on the northeast side of town. They congregate closer to Ball State University.

I found out I was supposed to put the detergent plods in the machine The nice lady running the laundromat told me this after I started the washing. She said there were sings saying this but I didn't see any signs. She gave me some liquid soap to use.

While the washer thing did its thing, I went across the street and broke my Friday fast. I got some broasted chicken and deep-fried mushrooms and broasted potatoes.  The guys from the East Coast I met at Fort Dix Federal Correctional Institution never heard of deep-fried mushroom. I loved the things since I was a kid and my first step-father brought them home from Monte's Bar in Chesterfield.  The food was hot and tasty and turned out to be my only real meal of yesterday.

I might as well mention another thing about the convenience store. It goes under the Phillips 66 banner. I do not recall the last time I saw a Phillips 66 - long before I was arrested in 2010.  Muncie has tow I have seen.

I went back to the room. I was supposed to view an apartment at 2. I got writing and didn't go. I have been dealing with the same property manager on another property and know they want 2 paystubs before they will process my application and I do not have them. I got working up my notes from prison about Raintree County.  I decided to walk over to work even though it was gloomy and the temperature is cooling down for Fall. I got a later start than I meant so I walked briskly.

Work about killed me. No the big mixer for bakery about killed me. I woke this morning meaning to get over to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles on foot. I calculated it was about a mile away and would take a half hour walk one way. That's why I didn't go yesterday. I didn't think I could do both the BMV and apartment tour. I should have made the hike when  I decided to delay the apartment tour. I did not go this morning since I wasn't sure I could get my legs to last that long. My knees started locking up last night as I was walked back from work - which has to be about the same distance as the BMV. Pain is a good reason to stay in bed and let the Ben-Gay knockoff do its work, Did I mention it was misting when I walked home. The buses stop running around 9 pm. The restaurant closes at 10 pm except on Friday and Saturday when it closes at 11. As they say in Westeros, winter is coming. I did 8 hours last night without any real break. Now I feel very much my age. I have to rethink this job.

Unlike Jimmy Johns, there are a lot of teenagers working there. I think they're teenagers. One wearing an Alpha Phi shirt didn't look old enough to drive.  I suppose someone would think this my heart would be filled with joy. I have set myself for this kind of thinking, Truthfully, I have never seen such flaccid faces and dull eyes in my life. Was my generation also lacking in personality and wits? Did we also show to the world a shell-shocked cluelessness? Next thing I will be doing is going outside and yelling at the kids to get off my lawn. That is, if I had a lawn.

I got up this morning with groans and muscles aches and went back to bed. That's where I have been since 8 am. The one chair here is not all that comfortable. I have one apple in the room/ Oh, I do have popcorn and have popped some. I will eat that while I listen to The Greaser's Lunchbox doing its Halloween show and type up this note. Well, that didn't do much. I am thinking of spending money and go across the street and get me food. I am either too tired or too lazy to walk 15 minutes to shop at Target. I am  not so keen on spending any more of my capital - not after paying for another week here,  I started off with what remained of my Coca-Cola hoping that caffeine and sugar would rouse me. It did a little. I watched the season premiere of The Blacklist (still the best show on regular TV) and then I started on the note about Raintree County I started the other day. And KDH \X plays The Cramps' Human Fly! I finished that piece and started this one.

I go into work at 5. That gives me about 2 and half hours. Actually less since I need to get there. Maybe I will walk. I may store and see if they are still hiring, I cannot my soreness rule me (as it has since 8 am).

Monday MUST get my new ID. I must have a current ID on me at all times (Remember   those old movies where the Nazis or the Commies ask for papers as they search the train for their quarry? Well, I live in that kind of world now.) I will do it after I visit the Sheriff on Monday morning.  Then I will start writing, again. I have the day off. I have another play to work on. Sounds like a plan.

I still need to call MInt and get this phone sorted out.

Still no contact from my PO. He might be surprised at how quietly I am living.


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