Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Current news of me

Muncie's Bestway Inn has been home since last Friday. It is quiet and clean. I have a TV and wifi . 

Thanks to K I have a laptop and have been job hunting and updating the blog and catching up  on my reading. My sister got me a smartphone that works some of the time. Today it has not worked at all. She is to come down next week and get the thing fixed.

The probation officer asked me if I could be trusted with internet access since I was going from zero to a hundred. I do not think he believed me that I was done with what got me into this mess.  Oh well, he has to work with the presumption that I am some sort of maniac who has neither learned nor been affected by the time that has gone by.  I promise you that I am over the self-destruction bit - after all I have little left to destroy. Instead of breaking the law or acting like a psychopath, I have been reading items like The Great Novel of the Internet Was Published in 1925 and Lallans Magazine and listening music on YouTube. I got a laugh out of KH that I was now very risk averse, but that is how I truly feel.  All I want is time and opportunity to get my writing done.

There is monitoring software on my phone and laptop. This keeps telling me that I am to inform others about its existence, so this is my notice to you.  

I got a laugh out of KH that I was now very risk averse, but that is how I truly feel.  All I want is time and opportunity to get my writing done.

My ;probation officer is to come up this week.  I do not think we hit it off very well. I have also lost his business card. Hopefully, he has not been trying to call me. I want to attend to my writing, not go back to Fort Dix. to attend. I got registered on Monday.  After  riding a bus and then a mile hike I found out there was a bus that would have taken me directly there. By the way, Delaware County did a great job on their jail/court complex. (See below.) Now I am waiting on a deputy to visit and confirm that this villain actually lives where he said he did

I also want to pay my bills, so I got a job today washing dishes. I start next Monday. Looks like I won't go through all of  my capital.  Three weeks of working 13 hours a day for 4 days out of 7 was not for nothing. Now I need to find a place to live.

I will be trying to give a daily update as well as adding my notes from prison and the halfway house.

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