Tuesday, October 26, 2021

A Day of Being Comic Relief

 I will try to be brief as I need to get to sleep, tomorrow will come early.

I rose at 6 so I could get to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles today. The sun came up as I arrived.

I thought I was late but the place doesn't open until 8:30.  My hopes that my single receipt would be enough for a change of address. It wasn't. The manager apologized and I told her it wasn't her fault but the legislature's. They could not contemplate my situation. So I walked back to Bellaire and caught the Whitely bus to take me downtown. I got an idea for a new short story on the ride.

Downtown I rode the Northwest Plaza bus to where I could get my hair cut. I needed to look presentable for an interview at 12:30. I talked to KH about the job interview.  My failure at the BMV had given me more time to get this done. Since I was next door to the Payless grocery, I went in to get me the bagels and peanut butter and bread that hadI think the bike too small for me. gone north with E. I walked over to the office and paid for next week and got two receipts signed by the owner and tomorrow I will take them back to the BMV.

I rode the bus back downtown to get the Whitely bus back to my room. There I fixed myself lunch and got through my email and decided to ride one of the bikes to the interview. That was a bit of an adventure The bike wobbled and I could not see traffic behind me. 

The interview lasted 10 minutes since I thought I was to be downtown at 1 PM. It was better than expected and was told they would read the applications and call me after 5 if they were to hire me. No call came. I need to decide what I will do about the dishwashing job. It is vanity to think I can do what I did when I was younger.

I got downtown in time for the one o'clock meeting. Except I was a day early. My first act as comic relief today. Then I found out I had mislaid my phone. I walked north with the bike just in case it had dropped out while riding. My left knee started aching Then I was pretty sure I had dropped it where I d had the interview. Turned out I was right and I call that my second act as comic relief. Probably had an effect on my not getting a call back. I rode the bike part of the way back but the now the seat was sliding back and walking seemed the best idea.

That was about two in the afternoon and I started writing then and except for eating dinner and my last bit of comic relief I have been writing since then. My last act of comedy was to lock myself out of the room when I stepped outside to get some air. I was in my stocking feet and wearing my shorts and gave the motel's owner a little laugh.

The BMV in the morning, the second job interview tomorrow afternoon as well as a look at an apartment, and then work at 4 PM. This is what life looks like when I go from zero to a hundred.

Still no contact with my PO.


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