Thursday, July 1, 2021

Who Do I think I am?

 I think I'm free.

I destroyed myself while failing to kill myself. No longer do I need to censor myself to curry favor with clients or anyone else with influence over my income. I would like you to download my plays when I get them published or click on the ads, but I do not write with the expectation of you doing so. I'm writing to please my conscience.

I kept silent about things, people, events that troubled my conscience. Now only the time available to me dictates my silence.

I do not expect you to like me. I set out to make sure neither friends nor family would have a reason to stand by me. Why should I expect you to do otherwise? You have federally certified reason not to like me. Therefore, I can write without concern  about injuring your feelings towards me. 

Otherwise, I'm just another guy still trying to figure out how to get through this life.

I call that freedom.

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